Friday, January 10, 2014

293 Days 'til Halloween...

Scare o' the Day!

Apologies to readers of That Halloween Blog!!

I'll be moving over the next couple weeks and won't be able to post.

I will still be on Twitter and will do my best to continue tweeting a Scare o' the Day!

You can Follow me on Twitter @Scare_o_the_Day.

Today, I recommend checking out editor Mike Davis's awesome Lovecraft eZine for free, and spooky, Lovecraftian stories, informative and entertaining video chats, and fun Call of Cthulhu RPG action!




Happy Halloween!!

294 Days til Halloween...

Scare o' the Day!

The Haunting of Sunshine Girl Network

The Hunt for Black Eyed Kids

Here's what I learned from watching The Haunting of Sunshine Girl's first feature film: The Hunt for Black Eyed Kids.


You might not be able to find one of them, but a Black Eyed Kid just might find you!

Black Eyed Kids are a creepy paranormal urban legend that began to be reported about on internet forums in the 90's. Typically, a BEK encounter occurs at night and involves a small, thin child approaching an individual, either at home or in a car, and asking insistently for a glass of water or a ride home. The child's eyes are disturbingly and completely black, and the BEK causes intense fear in the individuals they approach.

There is a great deal of speculation as to who, or what, Black Eyed Kids are.

Aliens? Demons? Something worse?

Click the link below to watch Sunshine conduct her own investigation into the BEK phenomena. If anyone can get to the bottom of this urban legend, it'll be her!!

The Hunt for Black Eyed Kids

15 Part Play List




Happy Halloween!!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

295 Days 'til Halloween...

Scare o' the Day!

Paranormal Encounters?

Panic Attack Videos

Panic Attack Videos is a Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas, based crew of videographers who specialize in making videos that frighten the bejesus out of everyone who watches them...  At least, that's their goal. They not only produce videos involving the paranormal but also set up scary, and fun, pranks on their friends. 

You can see more of their scary clips on the Panic Attack Videos YouTube Channel  or at Panic Attack Videos' home on the web: Make sure to subscribe to their channel!

The Panic Attack Videos clip below is not a fun prank, however. Although my previous post about Ouija Boards (Read it here!) seemed to debunk the paranormal nature of what's actually happening during a Ouija session, it still might not be a good thing to play around with.

The Panic Attack Videos crew find out that lesson the hard way!

Ouija Board - Horrifying Experience

Running Time: 3 min




Happy Halloween!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

296 Days 'til Halloween...

Scare o' the Day!

Video Game

The Last of Us

I love video games. I really do. But I'll let you in on a little secret: I'm a terrible video game player. In fact, my buddy Ting once said, "Nobody loves video games more than Gib... and nobody's worse at them!"

He was right.

Although I've been playing games since the era of the Atari 2600, I've only ever beaten four of them: Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, Halo, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and Silent Hill 2. This gen, I almost beat Uncharted 2, but I couldn't defeat the Russian bad guy at the very end of the game. I knew exactly what to do, but I still wasn't able to kill that immortal freak.

It was due to my lack of video game skills, and a slowly deteriorating attention span, that I skipped several of the top titles released this year. 

I also deliberately ignored much of the news, reviews, and promotional materials surrounding the release of Naughty Dog's PlayStation 3 swansong, The Last of Us. Based on Naughty Dog's track record with the Uncharted series, I was certain that The Last of Us would be Game of the Year material. But, I didn't want an overload of information about it in case I decided to purchase the game. I wanted to go into it spoiler free.

As it turns out, I never did end picking up The Last of Us.

Fortunately for me though, my 21 year old cousin Drake got a copy of the game for Christmas. Drake is a pretty awesome gamer, and something of a machine when it comes to completing them. I got to spend about fifteen hours sitting in his room watching him beat the game, and although I was afraid at times that I might stroke out from deep vein thrombosis after sitting on Drake's desk chair for hours nonstop, I have to say that The Last of Us is easily one of the most satisfying emotional experiences related to a video game that I have ever experienced.

Smart, intense, dark, terrifying, rage inducing, sorrowful, hopeful, loving, caring, and ultimately righteous, Joel and Ellie's relationship in The Last of Us has to be considered one of the greatest video game achievements of all time.

One observation about the post-apocalyptic world of The Last of Us. Every human survivor remaining in that world could receive a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The threat of assault, loss, and certain death is non-stop at all times in The Last of Us, and that kind of intense emotional strain would permanently alter survivors' brain chemistries. Naughty Dog did a great job showing what that kind of emotional toll would take on a survivor. Joel is a living example of a man plagued with hyper-vigilance and emotional detachment/avoidance. One can only imagine the kind of horrors he re-experiences, either from dreams, intrusive thoughts, or flashbacks.

If you have a PlayStation 3, you should really own The Last of Us

The Last of Us - VGA 2011 Trailer

Running Time: 2 min: 39 sec




Happy Halloween!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

297 Days 'til Halloween...

Scare o' the Day!!


"Instructions" written and read by Neil Gaiman

If you should ever find yourself trapped inside a fairy tale, Neil Gaiman's poem, "Instructions," offers some helpful hints on how to survive!

"Instructions" can be found in Neil Gaiman's magical collection Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders or in a gorgeous stand alone volume illustrated by Charles Vess on Amazon!

The video link below was recorded at Cody's Books in Berkeley, California, on January 27, 2007, and was provided for our viewing enjoyment by YouTuber webelfneil!

"Instructions" by Neil Gaiman

Running Time: 5 min: 46 sec




Happy Halloween!!

Monday, January 6, 2014

298 Days 'til Halloween...

Scare o' the Day!!

Short Film

Hatch by Damian Mc Carthy

What terrors await when a man lays an egg? Literally lays an egg? And more importantly, whatever in the world could be inside?

Written and directed by talented Irish filmmaker Damian Mc Carthy, Hatch stars a stoic Barry Callan and a blissfully unaware Denis O'Conor. 

Check out more of Damian Mc Carthy's scary and fun short films at or on his YouTube Channel!


Running Time: 9 min: 06 sec




Happy Halloween!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

299 Days 'til Halloween...

Scare o' the Day...

Short Story

"Bogged Down" by Jason Norton

The Ghost Orchid is one of the rarest flowers on earth. There may be only 2,000 of them in the entire state of Florida. Unfortunately for curious botanists, they are located deep in an alligator infested swamp.  And, they are guarded... by something far worse than any alligator.

Jason Norton is a husband, father, personal trainer, massage therapist, and a student of wilderness survival from Virginia. But more importantly, at least for our purposes, Jason Norton is a writer of scary stories. And he is really good.

"Bogged Down" is Norton's excellent selection from Daylight Dims, and it is one of the strongest, smartest, and most nuanced stories in an already exceptional anthology.

Daylight Dims is available in print and e-book format. The Kindle Edition is just $4.99 on Amazon!

"Bogged Down" has been produced for audio by Chilling Tales for Dark Nights and is narrated by the always excellent Jeff Clement.

For more recordings of scary short stories with high quality narration from the anthology, check out the YouTube Channels for Daylight Dims or Chilling Tales for Dark Nights!  Make sure to subscribe to them both!!

"Bogged Down" by Jason Norton

Running Time:  32 min: 23 sec




Happy Halloween!!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

300 Days 'til Halloween...

Scare o' the Day!!

Homemade Movies

Ghostbusters - Trap Slimer

Dustin McClean takes on Ghostbusters and Slimer in this great little Homemade Movies short from Cinefix!! 

Homemade Movies: Ghostbusters - Trap Slimer

Running Time 1 min: 41 sec

Homemade Movies: Ghostbusters - Trap Slimer (Comparison)

Running Time 1 min: 41 sec

Homemade Movies: Ghostbusters - Trap Slimer (Behind the Scenes)

Running Time 12 min: 07 sec




Happy Halloween!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

301 Days 'til Halloween...

Scare o' the Day!

Short Film Review


I'm a bit of a unique fan of the horror genre in that the focus of my graduate studies was in Forensic Psychology. I've actually studied case histories of psychopaths, sexual predators, and serial killers. In reality, they are horrible, empty creatures, motivated solely by a disturbed fantasy system and seeking solely to satisfy warped sexual desires. Which they do by raping and killing... or killing and then raping... or just killing...  
Fascinating, dynamic characters like Dexter or Hannibal Lecter do not really exist in nature, and we'd be better off if we found different and better monsters.
It is for this reason that I get a little squeamish when watching movies about serial killers, especially if the movie could be internalized into a potential killer's fantasy structure. Ted Bundy admitted that he used slasher/horror movies in this way. I didn't like the remake of Maniac, which I actually thought was a fantastic film, for this reason (See my review). It seemed a little too much like porn for serial killers to me.
With all of this being said, I will always be a fan of horror films and enjoy a good slasher, especially when it's done well. I think Warren Badenski's new short film Simon fits that bill.

Simon is presented by Pick and Mix Films from the UK and stars Chris Bell as the titular Simon and Katie Alexander-Thom as Sarah, an intrepid rookie investigative reporter who believes a serial killer is living in her neighborhood. Both actors were great in the short, and at times during their performances I was reminded of scenes from Jimmy McGovern's great Granada TV series, Cracker. Kudos should also go to Badenski for his writing in those scenes!
I did have a bit of cognitive dissonance with some of the plot points in Simon and wasn't always sure if I was watching genre tropes or clichés, at times. I'm leaning toward tropes, however, as I was always right where Badenski wanted me to be emotionally. It is a credit to his pacing and visual storytelling style that the tension in Simon is always tightly wound. Even Badenski's NSFW choices (nudity and graphic violence) seemed to serve the vulnerability of the characters, as opposed to being merely titillating.

Simon was produced by Pick and Mix Films, an independent studio from London that was founded by actor Chris Bell. I'm a big fan of the emerging indie short film market, especially for horror directors. I think it's a great way to showcase the talents of young filmmakers and actors. Support their work by visiting!

And, make sure to watch Warren Badenski's Simon!

Running time: 25 min: 17 sec




Happy Halloween!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

302 Days 'til Halloween...

Scare o' the Day!!

Infect Tedz

In December, I had the opportunity to interview Dave and Sammi, the UK-based creative team behind the zombie teddy bear toy brand, Infect Tedz.

Check out the Interview here!!

At the time, Dave and Sammi hadn't yet launched their web store. But, as of January 1st, 2014, the zombie teddy outbreak has begun!! Best of all for those of us outside the UK, international shipping is available for these gruesomely cute bears!!

Make sure to peruse the selection available at the Infect Tedz web store here:!!




Happy Halloween!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

303 Days 'til Halloween...

Scare o' the Day!

Best of Scare Tactics

Rat Monster

Here's one of the all time funniest Scare Tactics!! Poor Bryant might be the best victim Scare Tactics has ever had!

Make sure to check out new episodes of Scare Tactics on YouTubeSyfy, or at

Running Time:  4 min: 04 sec




Happy Halloween!!